Friday, April 28, 2006

April Meeting of the Rockford .Net User Group

Wednesday April 26th we had another meeting of the Rockford .Net Users Group. About 10 of us showed up early to discuss making some formal decisions about the structure of the group. I was named interim President until a formal election can take place in May or June. I gave the presentation on items presented at the Wisconsin .Net user group Deeper in .NET 2006! This was a really great day full of very good presentations all for the low low introductory price of FREE!!. Next year I hear they might double that price!

The slides to my presentation can be found here. There is not much in there as far as a pretty slideshow, just a bunch of links to other sources on the net. In fact I didn't even clean up the display text of the url [I know... very Lazy]. I need to get some work done now as I will be going home early to check out the progress of the new pool being put in.
